T4 content typesuos Profile

This content type displays 3 circular profiles at a time. Please add a minimum of three. If you add more than 3,  then only 3 will display at any one time. It will randomise the other profiles on 'page load'. 

Content type fields

Name - This is a mandatory field. You must give the content type an appropriate name that corresponds with your content e.g. Section navigation. The name is not shown on the live web page.

Main title -  Only add this main title text to one of the profiles. 60 character max. Something like 'Our students'.

Title - The title of the profile. This is usually the person's name60 character max.

Subtitle -  Usually the country or subject name. 40 character max.

Text - The quote text. 400 character max.

Image - This is the image that will appear within the corresponding content box. The recommended image size for this content type is 600 x 600px.

URL - This field is used to link the text and image to a page within the website. To do this, click on Select. Then using the site structure navigate to the page you want to link to and click on it.

URL-alt - This field is used to link the text and image to a page within the old Strathclyde website or to an external website, for example www.bbc.co.uk. Don't use this field to link to pages with the current Strathclyde website. To add a link just enter the full URL of the page you want to link to including http://.

ButtonText - The button only displays on a smaller screen e.g. a mobile phone. This text should say something like 'Find out more about Jim's course'. Something which will encourage the user to click through. It must also be descriptive of where it is going. Please *dont* just say 'Read more'. 


Our students

Chia-Ying Yang.

Chia-Ying Yang


After travelling to Glasgow and talking to people in the International Recruitm​ent Office at the event held by UKEAS, I found that Glasgow would be the best studying place for me, an intellectually curious person and an aficionado of Britpop music.
David Gomez, MSc Entrepreneurship, Innovation & Technology graduate

David Gomez


As a Strathclyde student, you feel the support from the University at every level of your life, which helps you to develop new skills and knowledge.
Chia-hui Chen, student

Chia-Hui Chen


If you are looking for a place that is located in the city centre and full of varieties of lifestyle, and course work that is full of challenges, the University of Strathclyde is the right place for you.
Sung il Ahn.

Sung il Ahn

South Korea

Strathclyde is the perfect place for me... Before arriving and after arriving, the University provided important information for the visa for me and they kindly answered any questions I had
Iswat Oladele, MSc Applied Economics student

Iswat Oladele


I really enjoy how the course contents are very practical and cover real-life topical issues. I particularly enjoyed Fundamentals of Macroeconomics with Julia Darby and International Development with Marco Alfano.
Ashlee Espinoza, PhD student

Ashlee Espinoza


I absolutely love the city and the country. Coming from such a large metropolitan area as LA I enjoy how green and open the country just outside Glasgow is. When I get a chance I take the train, bus, or convince a friend to drive me out to the highlands for hillwalking and fresh air.
Vidhi Gupta

Vidhi Gupta


My time at Strathclyde has been absolutely amazing, from the friends that I have made to the teachers I have met. The meaningful experience and exposure I got, gave me a whole different perspective on life and what I really want to do.
Prateek Dhir, PhD student

Prateek Kumar Dhir


Being an international student, I had a thought like, “I am going to miss the festival celebrations with family and hanging out with friends once I am away”. But believe me, I was wrong. Starting from Holi to Diwali every festival is celebrated here and I was surprised.