T4 content typesuos LHSareasOfInterest

Please note: You must add the 'uos MasterLHSandRHS' content type before using this otherwise the content will not display.

These content types are for use on area landing pages and sub-landing pages. For example:

  • research subject areas page
  • department facilities
  • department ways to study

The content type is to be used to give a short introduction to an area of interest or topic with a link to another webpage.

Content type fields

Name - This is a mandatory field. You must give the content type an appropriate name that corresponds with your content, for example Psychology Areas of Interest. The name is not shown on the live web page.

Main Title - This is an optional field. It will appear on the live page. Enter a title in the WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) box and select an appropriate heading level from the dropdown list.

Area Title - This is a mandatory field. Enter a title into the WYSIWYG box. Enter the title of a maximum of 50 characters.

Area Summary - This is a mandatory field. Enter your summary into the WYSIWYG box. Aim for a maximum of 200 characters in your description. Ensure that you put your text into paragraphs by highlighting your text and selecting Paragraph from the Format drop-down menu.

If you want to link the text and image to one place then use complete the URL or URL-alt field below. If you want to link different parts of the text to different pages just use the WYSIWYG editor to select pieces of text and add section links or static links as appropriate.

Image - This is for the image that will appear next to your title and summary. The recommended image size for use with these content types is  600x300 pixels. Read our help on how to edit images before uploading to t4.

URL - This field is used to link the text and image to a page within the website. To do this, click on Select. Then using the site structure navigate to the page you want to link to and click on it.

URL-alt - This field is used to link the text and image to a page within the old Strathclyde website or to an external website, for example https://www.bbc.co.uk. Don't use this field to link to pages with the current Strathclyde website. To add a link just enter the full URL of the page you want to link to including https://.

Do not use both URL and URL-alt fields. Only one should be used. If it’s a Strathclyde webpage this should be done as a URL section link. If it’s an external webpage this should be done as URL-alt.

Image position - Select whether the image should float to the left or right within the content box.

Working example

Main Title

Labelled example

Main Title