T4 content typesuos RHS - Contact

Please note: You must add the content type 'uos MasterLHSandRHS' before using this content type, otherwise the content will not display.

This content type is used to for contact information only.

Content type fields

Name - This is a mandatory field. You must give the content type an appropriate name that corresponds with your content, for example 'Contact'. The name isn't shown on the live web page.

title - This is a mandatory field. The title field has the word 'Contact' already included. So for example if you add 'the library' in the title field, the title on your web page will read 'Contact the library'.

If you'd like the title to display 'Contact Undergraduate' for example, then please enter the word 'Undergraduate'.

enquiry form - A link to an enquiry form on T4. You can't edit the text name.

enquiry form external - A link to an enquiry form which is not on T4. You can't edit the text name.

tel +44 (0) - add a telephone number with no spaces and remove the first '0'.

tel display +44 (0) - add the telephone number in the format you would like it displayed. Remove the first '0'. e.g. 141 548 4000

tel +44 (0) Alt - add a second telephone number with no spaces and remove the first '0'.

tel display +44 (0) Alt - add the second telephone number in the format you would like it displayed. remove the first '0'. e.g. 141 548 4000

email - add in your email address

location - select your location from the drop-down list

room number - your room number

opening times - default text 'Office hours: ' - then enter your opening hours. Please keep it short. 

staff - select your staff group from the drop-down list.

optional link - add an optional section link or URL.

blog - A blog icon which will link to a blog page on T4.

blog external - A blog icon which will link to a blog page not on T4.

Other text - An optional free text field.

Other URL - A T4 URL for the optional free text field.

Other URL-alt - An external URL for the optional free text field.

Social media

Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, X, Youtube, Podcast, TikTok

The social media icon links will display when each field is populated.

Note: Only add your specific page name e.g. UniversityOfStrathclyde. The https://www.facebook.com/ etc is already added.