T4 content typesuos RHS - General

Please note: You must add the 'uos MasterLHSandRHS' content type before using this otherwise the content will not display.

This content type is used to add supplementary information, such as a list of links, to the Right Hand Column of a web page. 

Content type fields

Name - This is a mandatory field. You must give the template an appropriate name that corresponds with your content, for example 'Related accounting courses'. The name isn't shown on the live web page.

Heading - This field contains the heading for your supplementary information. Type a short, suitable heading into the text box. This is the heading that will appear on the live web page.

Text supplement - This is where you'll include the text. If you're creating a link, please ONLY link the text which specifically describes the link location.

e.g. We're dedicated to being as sustainable as possible - take a look at our Green Policy

Box Colour - This field allows you to choose a colour for your Right Hand Column display. Simply scroll through the options and select a colour.