T4 content typesuos RHS - Quotes

Please note: You must add the 'uos MasterLHSandRHS' content type before using this otherwise the content will not display.

Content type fields

Name - This is a mandatory field. You must give the content type an appropriate name (maximum of 10 words) that corresponds with your content, for example 'student quote'. The name isn't shown on the live web page.

Title - This optional field allows you to give your quote(s) a title, which you can type in the text box.

Subtext - This optional field allows you to include supplementary text under the 'title' field.

First Image - If you wish to include an image with your quote click 'Select' and search the Media library for the image you want to use. The image must be sized 500x500 pixels.

First Text - This field contains the quote that will be viewed on the web page. Type the quote - without quotation marks - into the text box.

First Quotee - Type the quotee's name into this field.

First Quotee part 2 - Use this field to include any further information about the quotee, such as role, job title, profession, nationality etc.

URL First External - Link to an external site only. This will link from the field 'First Quotee', which is usually the person's name.

URL First - A section link within T4. This will link from the field 'First Quotee', which is usually the person's name.

Repeat the above steps to add up to two more quotees.