T4 content typesuos scholarship

Scholarship URL's

Find specific URL's for scholarships for example, Just 'Faculty of Engineering' scholarships etc

This content type is used for Scholarships

It contains:

  • name
  • scholarship title
  • scholarship summary
  • number of scholarships
  • value of scholarships
  • opens
  • deadline
  • closed information
  • helps With
  • duration
  • eligibility
  • subjects eligibility
  • levels eligibility
  • study modes eligibility
  • project details
  • further information
  • how to apply
  • contact details
  • publication date
  • publishpath
  • fee status
  • countries eligibility
  • student type
  • faculty
  • department

Content type fields to complete

Name: The name of your scholarship should be entered in this field

Scholarship Title: Enter the title of the scholarship in this field, for example: ‘The Sutherland Page Fund’ 

Scholarship summary: The summary field should provide a brief description of the scholarship on offer and who it's for. Without going into too much detail, the summary will help applicants decide if the scholarship is relevant or interesting to them.

Hyperlinks shouldn't be included in the summary box as they break the content type (resulting in information going askew). Links to useful sites can be included in the main section underneath.

Number of scholarships: Enter how many scholarships are available in this field. (For numbers one to nine, use the word, for 10 and above, use the number).

Value of scholarships: How much is the scholarship worth? Details should be entered in this field in ‘£’ or words, for example: “£1,250 for each year of study” or “International tuition fees.” If the number is greater than £999, use a comma after the first digit, for example, ‘£1,000’, not ‘£1000’, this makes it easier for users when scanning content.

Opens: Enter the date when applications open (times can also be added in this field, if required).

Deadline: Enter the date when applications close (times can also be added in this field, if required).

Closed information: This info will only show after the scholarship deadline date has passed. Enter some info about when the scholarship might open again or why its closed.

Helps With: You should tick the boxes in this field that indicate what the scholarship/bursary covers, for example “tuition fees and living costs”, “tuition fees only.” If no boxes are ticked, ‘various’ will be displayed on this field in the scholarship summary.

Duration: How long does the scholarship last for? One year, full length of course, single payment? Enter duration details in this field.

Eligibility: The main eligibility section will sit on the main scholarship page, and will be accessed once users have clicked through from the scholarship summary.

What to include: You should provide a summary of the eligibility criteria for the scholarship – a bulleted list can be helpful, for example:

To apply for a Commonwealth Shared Scholarship, candidates must:

  • be Commonwealth citizens, refugees, or British protected persons
  • be permanently resident in a developing Commonwealth country (a full list is available on page 4 of the prospectus)
  • be available to commence their academic studies in the UK by the start of the UK academic year in September/October 2016
  • hold, by October 2016, a first degree of at least upper second class Honours
  • not have undertaken studies lasting one year or more in a developed country
  • be unable themselves, or through their families, to pay to study in the UK

Subjects eligibility: Tick the subject(s) that apply to the scholarship on offer.

Levels eligibility: Tick the level(s) of study that apply to the scholarship on offer.

Study modes eligibility: Tick the mode(s) of study that apply to the scholarship on offer.

Project Details: In this field, you should include information about projects that applicants will have to take part in to apply for the course.

Further Information: Use this section to provide additional information (such as company information for externally sponsored scholarships), links to supporting documentation or expansions on information provided elsewhere. 

How to Apply: You must provide information on how to apply. This can be a link to a form and criteria/guidance (web link or media file link), or instructions such as “Please email X if you would like to apply for this scholarship” (include the email address as a hyperlink, using ‘link’ and ‘mailto:david.smith@strath.ac.uk’ in the link box on T4)

If the scholarship is based on academic nominations, explain this and give a link to further information or suggest a first step, for example:

“Applicants will need the support of their department and faculty. You should discuss your proposed research with the relevant academic staff. You can download an application form (include link to application form, web page or media file). You’ll need to complete the application form and ask the academic staff supervising your research to complete the relevant sections. They will then pass the form to the faculty office." 

Contact Details: Please provide contact details for the office or staff who can answer queries about this scholarship.

Publication Date: Please enter today’s date, this is for reporting purposes

Publish path: Please don't edit this, this is for the link in the search result.

Fee Status: Select fee status of eligible students. You can select multiple options.

countries eligibility: Add any countries that the scholarship is specifically for. This is a plain text comma separated list.

Student type: If the scholarship helps a current student/course select ‘current student’ or if for help with a new course/applicant select ‘applicant’. If you select nothing they are listed as both.

Faculty: Add the relevant faculty/faculties. This info is not displayed on the page. It is used for filtering the search results.

Department: Add the relevant department(s). This info is not displayed on the page. It is used for filtering the search results.

How to keep your pages up-to-date

T4 allows you to set a reminder email date, expire content automatically and set a publish time/date for content. This means your web pages are easier to keep up to date. 

Read about how to keep your content up-to-date

Working example

Scholarship Title


Key facts

  • Number of scholarships: Number of scholarships
  • Value: Value of scholarships
  • Opens: 3 February 2016
  • Deadline: 24 June 2016
  • Helps with: Tuition fees
  • Duration: Duration


Scholarship summary



Country eligibility

China, India

Subject eligibility

Accounting & finance

Levels eligibility

Postgraduate Taught

Study modes eligibility

Full Time, Part Time

Fee Status

Home (Scottish)

Student type


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Project details

Project Details

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Further information

Further Information

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How to apply

How to Apply

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Contact us

Contact Details

Carnegie Cameron Bursaries for Postgraduate Masters


Key facts

  • Number of scholarships: 11 approx
  • Value: Up to £4000
  • Opens: 3 February 2016
  • Deadline: 24 June 2016
  • Helps with: Tuition fees
  • Duration: 12 months


Applying for a one-year postgraduate Masters in 2016?  If you are Scottish, of Scottish extraction or studied in Scotland, then you might be eligible to the Carnegie Cameron Bursaries! These Bursaries are awarded for the payment of tuition fees for one year full-time, or two year part-time, postgraduate programmes leading to a Masters Degree offered by a Scottish University.  Any postgraduate degree is eligible, other than an MPhil or a similar programme undertaken solely by research.  Postgraduate diploma or certificate courses are not eligible.  


Applicants must:

  • be of Scottish birth OR
  • be of Scottish extraction (have at least one parent born in Scotland) OR
  • have received 3 full years of secondary, further and/or higher education in Scotland.

Candidates will be selected on the basis of their merit and promise and financial need. 

Candidates must be qualified and deserving, industrious and ambitious, and would derive particular benefit from obtaining a postgraduate degree, which they would be unlikely to attend without the award. 

The Bursaries support PG Masters that will enhance students' employability in their chosen field, develop specialist skills, or supplement existing ones, thus bettering their career prospects. 

At the time of applying, applicants must have been accepted on a Postgraduate Degree programme leading to qualification at taught Masters level.

One-year postgraduate courses may be attended on a part-time basis over 2 consecutive years. 

Levels eligibility

Postgraduate Taught

Study modes eligibility

Full Time, Part Time

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Project details

The Bursaries support Postgraduate Masters that will enhance students' employability in their chosen field, develop specialist skills, or supplement existing ones, thus bettering their career prospects.
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How to apply

Applicants should first secure an offer of a place for a PG taught Masters programme at the University of Strathclyde.

Applicants should then complete the Carnegie Cameron application form and attach the following documents:

  • Academic transcript;
  • Copy of birth certificate of applicant or parent if Scottish by descent OR
  • Proof of residence for schooling: copy of Scottish Qualifications Authority for Standard Grades/Highers/HNC/HND;
  • Copy of last three full bank statements for all accounts.